I really believe the best way to ensure our children don't even think about using drugs, is to give them the true data about drugs, right from the start. And then to help them to see that they can actually help others stay away from drugs.
Scientologists have been active in the field of drug prevention for many years.
How can Scientology help me with answers to drugs.
Scientology Services: Solutions to the Drug Problem.
Community Fights the Psychiatric Steamroller.
Scientologists in Action.
Drug-Free Marshals.
The Church of Scientology Drug-Free Marshals is a wonderful group that any child can join, no matter his or her religion. This group of kids is taking responsibility for the rest of the world, and getting out there and DOING something about it.
Scientology Children Helping.
Nick James' personal web site. Nick James is a Scientologist child who is a member of the Drug-Free Marshals, and who has made information about the truth about drugs available on is website - Youth Volunteers.
More on psychiatric drugs:
Psychiatric Drugs.
Alternatives to Psychiatric Treatment.
Fight for Kids.
Citizens Commission on Human Rights.